Omega 3 dietary supplements improve well-being by improving the functioning of the nervous system. Omega 3s are of capital importance as long as the diet does not already contain enough of them and we all know that with the demands of urban life, it is sometimes difficult to consume enough of them.

Where do you find Omega 3s naturally?

These fatty acids are naturally present in nuts (hazelnuts, cashew nuts, Amazonian nuts, etc.) as well as in certain seeds (flax in particular). Walnut and linseed oils are particularly rich in this type of fatty acid and are often recommended, although a few precautions should be taken. Linseed oil can be stored in the refrigerator and should not be kept for more than 2 weeks because it develops a toxin that is too concentrated after this period. We also find it in so-called fatty fish: salmon, trout, sardines, etc.. The difficulty is that these fish often come from very polluted areas (this is particularly the case for Norwegian salmon and trout). It must also be taken into account that the bigger the fish (salmon, trout, tuna), the higher the concentration of pollutants. The best natural source therefore seems to be the most natural: nuts. However, if you are not able to eat enough of them every day, food supplements are a good solution.

Omega 3 supplements

Most of the time, this food supplement is based on controlled fish oil. They are in principle odourless and will therefore allow you to ingest a sufficient, precisely measured dose. They are also often a source of vitamin D, the so-called sunshine vitamin, whose concentration may be insufficient, especially in winter for people living in cities. Some of the elements in coffee also bind to vitamin D receptors and thus deprive the body of a naturally occurring intake, so it is recommended that people who drink large amounts of coffee and do not currently want to move on to something else should take a vitamin D supplement. It is important to remember that a vitamin D deficiency can be a cause of depression.

The benefits of these fatty acids

They are involved in the construction of the brain and the proper functioning of the arteries. They act in symbiosis with other fats that are more easily found in today's diet (Omega 6 in particular). In practice, they make up 20% of the nervous system and contribute to the proper functioning of neurons. It is now understood that it is essential to consume enough of them for the proper functioning of the brain, memory, to avoid depression due to fatigue or other. Outside the brain, they also have an effect on triglycerides to help control total concentration. There are many studies on their different effects and they have also been consumed for a very long time to enhance the functioning and development of the brain of younger people. In the past, they were ingested via cod liver oil in many schools, homes and families. Today, we also note that chia seeds, which are for example in Mexico considered as an important supplementary food for populations with nutritional difficulties, are also very rich in this type of fatty acids. These fatty acids are thus found in the majority of crops that take care of the health of those who might experience difficulties due to a restricted diet. Somewhere today this is also the case for those who cannot always go home to eat or eat properly in all circumstances because of their work in the city.